I guess my heart's not really in posting anymore…I get good at regularity and then I get busy or distracted or lazy. But, I have lived since my last post and many nice and happy things have happened – I had an especially special weekend. I want to get back on track so here is my quick holiday wrap-up:
- Car was hit by nice young man, still went out to celebrate friend’s 27th birthday. He was depressed-drunk when I got to the bar and kept touching my leg (made me sad). Didn’t feel like drinking so Mari, Sentell, and I asked for a pot of water and we drank Good Earth Tea (which I always have in my purse) at an Irish Pub. (The next morning my dad told me you’ve got to have great self-esteem to order hot tea at a bar.)
- Christmas Eve – party at the Alonsos’ a time honored tradition. Saw amazing elementary school friend who has changed her name from Sara to Zahava and is now teaching Prenatal Yoga and Spiritual Belly Dance at the Deepak Chopra center in NYC…I didn’t mention what I do.
- Christmas: awesome, laid back, and family-packed. Leisurely morning and day with my mom, dad, brother and his girlfriend – cousins came later – we laughed ‘til we hurt. Went to Grandad’s in the evening – played with babies (fell more in love with my Abs who currently loves “turtles and ears”) and hung out with especially awesome aunt. Sentell came as my Xmas Date for the second year in a row.

Matt’s Birthday (the 27th): hiked in Bald Eagle reserve to VA coast and lounged on Potomac beach. Made a gigantic homemade ice cream cake, made out, made lavish dinner, ate and drank and kissed.
- Went to work on Friday, had early release and then a four day weekend; got really used to not going to work.
New Years Eve: Awesome, laid-back, alcohol heavy.
- New Years Day: lazy, rainy, peaceful, and promising. Matt and I laid about, talked about our goals for the year, wrote in journals, read, made out - kicked it off right.
I’ve eased back into work and am gearing up for the challenge of working part-time while student teaching full time…I’ve nervous about working 10 hours a day and figuring out where to fit yoga and work outs and time for cooking – am I the last person on earth that makes dinners from scratch each night? All this starts next Tuesday…OMG.
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