Sunday, March 02, 2008

Weekend Wrap Up

Friday: Stayed late at school to write up a kid for yelling that he'd "shank" someone. Home to melt on the couch then fancy dinner out with Matt and back to cuddle and watch the latest Lost.

Saturday: Breakfast out and big grocery run - home to read and then off to the gym with Matt. Big impressive dinner of homemade pad thai. Hang out with a handful of friends (and sampling of my "better than sex" Chocolate Bourbon Pecan Pie) - then a midnight viewing of my beloved Wire (don't click on that unless you don't care about being spoiled).

Sunday: Baked orange poppy seed muffins and noshed on them while we watched a thrilling Wire episode. Worked on various school related things then off to the gym again with Matt. Candle lit dinner of the best homemade pizza and a bottle of Alicante wine. Then we polished off season 1. I am totally enamored.


Rachel said...

You're back! Yay. : ) sounds like an amazing weekend. i'm trying to get back on the blogging bandwagon myself, so let's see who outlasts who. ; )

Rachel said...

ignore my bad grammar and punctuation in that comment (and this one). it's not like i'm an ENGLISH teacher or anything.

Maura said...

Yay! My ridiculously long hiatus didn't completely alienate you!