Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Carless and in Love (With a Baby)

I had the weekend to beat all weekends. It felt like a week and a half the way it was jam-packed with so much awesomeness. So much. Which is good since the weekend began with my car billowing gray smoke and expiring on Jefferson Davis Hwy in the height of afternoon heat. That evening, I smelled wonderful.

My brother left for China yesterday so on Saturday we celebrated both his impending departure and his accolade laden graduation with a Wilson-style party…a whole bunch of people crammed into a townhouse drinking beer. Ooo, it was good. Everyone knows I love my brother times forever and that I am totally totally proud of him, but it was also just nice for me to be around so much family.

My Aunt Sarah showed up with a protruding belly and the news that she is three months preggers with her fourth baby. I spent a lot of time chasing around her youngest, Abby, and being totally in love. Lately my encounters with kids and infants has been inside grocery stores and compelled me once to call my pharmacy to confirm that my prescription for a year’s worth of birth control is on file. But Abby stretches her little arms up to you and you melt – not enough to think about having babies of your own but enough not immediately narrow your eyes at them.

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