Tuesday, July 25, 2006

The News of the World

First, I am still alive and I still think about things. But I don’t still do stuff unless it necessitates a Reference page in APA format. I really kicked it into high gear about three weeks ago and have been reading and writing and being an anxiety-ridden grouch since then.

Yesterday, I presented my graduate thesis which instantly received glowing acclaim. I’d like to think it is a testament to my mind-blowing educational philosophy skills that I was awarded an A fifteen minutes after the presentation began. I ‘d like to think that, instead of considering that it may reflect a serious lax in the stringency of the thesis review procedure. Can we compromise and say it’s a little of column A and a little of column B?

I am nearly done with my treatise on subversive teaching – it is the swan song of my collaboration with my advisor/mentor who is leaving UMW for the greener pastures of VCU at the end of the month. That guy has made this program for me and I will be sad when I tell him off tomorrow night for leaving me two semesters before graduation. I am particularly proud of the reference section of my Ethics paper which touts a citation of a snopes.com article and pwns E. D. Hirsch (uncle of the SOL).

Also, it’s official – it’s being announced – I’ll be an aunt this time next year. My sister-in-law is about four months pregnant so I am about to become that kid’s cool aunt – luckiest baby in the world!

Matt and I went to an actual movie theatre on Sunday to see Pirates of the Caribbean. It was o-k. But the experience reminded us why we don’t go see movies in the theatre – correction why we don’t go see blockbusters in the theatre. Three words: orgy of mastication. Seriously, fatties, chew with your mouths closed. Also, try not to audibly burp during the movie.

The hinge on my cell phone mysterious broke yesterday. I took it to Sprint to get it repaired. They replaced it with a gigantic cobalt blue number that looks like a Fisherprice toy. I hate it, but I am coming around. Whoever did the programming for it LOVES Asians (or hates them?) because every other ringer using some sort of stereotypical Asian tune. My phone is currently set to “Kung Fu Jingle.”

Lastly, we’re heading off to exotic Delaware at the end of the week for fun in the sun with a big chunk of my extensively large family. I am so excited. We eat and laugh all day long and then by night, my cousin and I pwn everyone at board games. And then everyone cries because we are so awesome. At one point there will be 36 of us together – 15 of whom are under the age of 12. Matt expects to get a lot of reading done.


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