Matt and I have added a new small, sometimes sneezy, animal friend to our home. We saved her from CERTAIN DEATH, only to toss her into a den of hisses and dirty looks from our elder cat. She is extremely cuddly and lovey - scared of index cards, strings dangled in front of her face, the smell of beer, and antibiotics. Miso's still afraid of her.
She doesn't really feel like our pet yet since we have been unable to settle on a suitable name. Rilo, ELee, Spock (note the big ears), and Zelda have been tossed around, but none of those fit. Please please help us come up with something so we can stop referring to her as "Little One" (Matt)/"Snugglebug" (me).

my suggestion is wiley... or stewart
Name her Binks. If I had a cat I would name her that. Or, give her a very human sounding name like Susan or Carol.
Scratch Fury, Destroyer of Worlds.
if not rilo... why not kiley?
she looks an awful lot like our kitten, Moxie.
Feel free to use the name. Although Moxie got her name because that is what she has a lot of.
I have to vote for the Rilo/Kiley one, too. You're a good girl for saving kitties.
Well, we settled on "ELee," though we often called her "Little One." I liked Rilo - especially since we saw Jenny Lewis the day after we got her, but it just never fit.
And, thanks, but it's easy to save kittie when they are so cute.
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