Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Oh Richard Nixon, I Do Not Love You

I watched All the President's Men (library, baby), which was "eh." I know the story's more about the Washington Post investigation and less about the depth and breadth of the scandal, but I love that scandal. I love getting all worked up the way I do when I think about how badly the Constitution got pwnd by that administration and how Ford let Nixon off scott-free, and G. Gordon Liddy got his own radio show (and recurring role on Miami Vice) and the present president's cabinet is (or has been) stocked with ex-Nixon staff.

I am totally fascinated by that period in American politics – probably because that kind of imperial presidency with its near-aimless war, ignored solider abuse scandals, encroachment on civil liberties, and disregard for the US Constitution is the kind of indignity so extreme it's unlikely to ever repeat itself. It's nice to know all that is behind us.

Here are some FUN FACTS about ol' Tricky Dick:
  • Spiro Agnew alleges that Nixon threatened to have him assassinated if he refused to resign.
  • He put Matt's boyfriend on his enemies list and opened an FBI investigation on him.
  • He suffered from motion sickness and hay fever.
  • Upon visiting the Great Wall of China he said, "I think that you would have to conclude that this is a great wall."
  • Favorite food: Pat's meatloaf
  • His Committee to Re-Elect the President's "Dirty Tricks" team was set up to embarass and discredit the Democratic party - they posted fake news cables, and, my favorite: ordered pizzas to be sent to the Democratic Headquarters (pwnd).
  • He hated: Dolly, Dr. Heathcliff Huxtable, Butch Cassidy, and Atticus Finch.
  • He will be elected President of Earth in the year 3000.

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