Thursday, October 13, 2005

Lucky Girl

Yesterday I went down to Richmond to get my haircut, eat a free lunch, and see some good people. It was a wonderful day.

The whole trip was kind of whimish, and I thought about just lying around our house and watching netflix in its stead but Matt urged me to go. And on the trip home I relished my undiminishing smile as I thought about what a lucky girl I am to have so much goodness in my life.

Here are some highlights:

Haircut by Aran: talk about fatties, our common ex-boss' obvious mental illness, and how marriage is just more living together plus jewelry.

Lunch with Tina: I am missed, Paris Hilton is "foul", Jerry Kilgore may sleep with men, and Tina is pretty.

Tea with the Chrises: What was supposed to be a quick drive-by ended up to be a delightful two hour visit, each minute of which confirmed my love for these two. So may hilarious things were bandied about but were I pushed to the wall to pick one that really captured the visit it would be this: I admitted that I could be something really great - like making real things happen were it not for my habit of obsessively checking the superficial ALL THE TIME. To which Chris(x/y) whined, "I hate the weekends because they never update!" Hearts.

Dinner with Kim & Mikey: Michael has a special place in my heart, I think he is an amazing person and so when I heard about this Kimberly, I was very skeptical... "Who is this Kimberly?" I thought. Little did I know it would take me uhh, like three days to love her and now I am beginning to ask myself, "who is this Michael?"

We talked and talked and talked and talked. Michael told me a story so that he could tell me a time that he said something funny. And kind of proved that I am not a critical consumer of film - or media - which duh, how could I be if I am so busy obsessing over the witty humiliation of celebrities?

This women in one of my classes the other night said that when get married you only talk to your married friends, and then when you have kids you only talk to your parent friends. And I've heard this like a billion times before but it is still gross and depressing to me.

I guess I understand the kids part more - but I realize that I have, at least, a pretty good shot of not becoming horribly dull as I "get on" and things change because I have in my life these awesome and engaging people who should know that should I ever show signs of becoming one of those people (that we both hate), they should throw some Neil Postman or something at me and tell me to stop being boring.


Unknown said...

Maura, did you know that Val has a SUBSCRIPTION to People magazine?...did you know that she'll let you go over to her house and read it while sitting in her bathroom and she won't even call all of your friends to tell them that you read People? It's the greatest system on earth.

Unknown said...

I don't know why that posted twice. I'm a douche.

Maura said...

I should say Ross, that you and Valerie are good examples of people who didn't change really when you got married - and you give me hope.

Val said...

That's what I thought.

Anonymous said...

So Maura, I was thinking (actually I was feeling shallow and guilty) for recounting my story the other day so i could let you know how funny I was and realized that the need to recount our own stories, jokes, and histories is a sad reality in a world where everyone is ultimately concerned with only themselves. Like I said at the table that night if I don't tell that story who will?

Now, if only I could remember what I had said that was so funny...BUT b/c I had the foresight to realize that I wouldn't remember and told as many people as possible (including my amazing girlfriend and her amazing memory and friends who blog about their daily experiences)I don't have to! Life is good.

Now if only I could get you to write about my show at Chop Suey!!